PU Tote, Hobo, Shoulder Bag Manufacturer Wholesale Supplier
We can help you to finish the manufacturing process of your customised tote bag, hobo bag and shoulder bag for wholesale. There is nearly no limitation on your initial design, Various kinds of materials and design complexity can be used from the tote bag, hobo bag and shoulder bag suppliers. Pollux Enterprise is your trusted leading and high-quality partner, we can help you to form a partnership with a reliable tote bag, hobo bag and shoulder bag manufacturers who suit your needs. There are lots of custom-made, fashionable, and eco-friendly bags brands who are working with us. From luxury brands and across lower priced products in the US and Europe. We are here to turn your idea into exact products.
We are founded to make your manufacturing process more convenient and cost effective. All sorts of bags you are looking to launch in the market including tote bags for wholesale purpose, hobo bag for wholesale purpose or shoulder bag for wholesale purpose, we can find the right bag supplier and manufacturer for you.
We work with lots of fashion brands and supply to different companies. Even if you are running a small business and want to make some gift tote bags, we can find the right tote bag supplier for you. Of course, if you are a fashion brand and want to get a hobo bag manufacturer to make your design become reality or work with a shoulder bag manufacturer to create a high end product, we can definitely find the hobo bag wholesale supplier and shoulder wholesale supplier for you.
We make sure to lower your tote bag wholesale prices, hobo bag wholesale price and shoulder bag whole prices. The reason we can offer your selected bag items, for such low prices, is because we took the time and effort to build-up a good relationship with the tote bag manufacturers, the shoulder bag manufacturers, and the hobo bag manufacturers. We understand the weakness and strength of each manufacturer hence we can find the best supplier to you. The cost spent in years to build up the tote bag wholesale, shoulder bag wholesale and hobo bag wholesale database is the cost you save on our production.
Getting the tote bag supplier, shoulder bag wholesale supplier and hobo bag supplier with the lowest price, does not mean the quality is not guaranteed. We work with top class manufactures who have a strong commitment to be the best tote bag, hobo bag and shoulder bag supplier.
Apart from the costing perspective, the quality of work is also very essential when it comes to making tote bags wholesale, shoulder bag wholesale and hobo bag wholesale. Working with us, you can get a full-service tote bag manufacturer, hobo bag manufacturer and shoulder bag manufacturer who are dedicated to providing the highest level of craftsmanship and efficacy available. We help you to get a smooth integrated communication with the tote bag supplier, shoulder bag supplier with guidance on everything from design to final production.
Pollux Enterprise provides end to end supply chain solutions for your bags production. Once you get your design of your tote bag or shoulder bag for wholesale. We will start using our connection in the manufacturing industry to find the tote bag manufacturer, hobo bag manufacturer and shoulder bag manufacturer meeting your requirement on raw material sourcing, manufacturing, management, quality assurance and control or distribution logistics. We have lots of experience working with different fashion brands.
From our experience working with many clients. When working with a bag wholesale manufacturing project, materials are just as important as the product’s design and getting the right materials from tote bag supplier, hobo bag supplier and shoulder bag supplier is very critical. We will ensure that the materials sourced for your bag’s product can match your vision and design.
With our vast industry experience with tote bag wholesale, hobo bag wholesale and shoulder bag wholesale, leather or other material used in your handbag design can influence the cost and the outcome of your product. Hence, we developed strong relationships all over the world that allow us to source only the best materials and manufactures after careful consideration using our data base. Our goal is to match your vision through a sustainable supply chain.
To launch a perfect execution of a tote bag, hobo bag and shoulder bag design idea, you need our manufacturing knowledge if you are a fashion design brand. We respect your creativity, so we will spend time with you to perfect the tote bag, hobo bag and shoulder bag manufacturing process. Our team will facilitate between the designer’s house and the bag manufacturers. With a lot of previous successful cases, the production can be very easy.
The tote bag manufacturers, shoulder bag manufacturer and hobo bag manufacturer which work with us are full-time product development experts, and engineers whose sole role is to ensure that your bags product meets specifications. More importantly is to make sure the product will be delivered on time and on budget and matches brand vision. We look forward to working with you on your bag design, no matter it is tote bag wholesale, shoulder bag wholesale. We understand what it takes to become a magnificent product.
We understand that when working with an overseas manufacturer, there are lots of uncertainties and it’s important there is someone who ensures accurate and reliable communications and gives as transparent detail as possible. That means even if the whole project can be as short as only lasting for 30 days or less, we will try our best to keep close communication to you and the manufacturers.
It’s important for you to get your sampling and manufacturing on time. There is high chance things could go wrong when producing your tote bag wholesale, hobo bag wholesale and shoulder bag wholesale overseas. Just because you cannot control production when the manufactures are far away in another country. We understand it is essential you invest extra time when you are doing production overseas. So, the most critical thing is getting close monitoring with lots of photos when your product is being produced in the factory. It is a good idea to have a third-party inspector and coordinator to help you solve these problems. We are providing an unbiased view of the factory and make sure that you get reliable and accurate information to reflect the project progress. It’s also equally important to get your goods insured coming into your target market.
For most start-up brands. The most obvious question is how much money is needed to start a new collection. The exact number is difficult to estimate no matter if you are working on a tote bag wholesale project or hobo bag wholesale project. This is a hard question without knowing the details and their handbag line will be. It is also essential to know what channels they will use to sell their products. All bags are different due to the materials, approaches, and goals. We are here to help you to know more. It’s important for you to consider variables as an additional cost. In our experience, one of the biggest things which can alter the cost of your bag collection is which overseas manufacturing partnership you have. If you decide you want to go to a tradeshow, then that also increases your costs. You shouldn’t let the cost of a new bag line scare you. If you believe in your product and believe there is a partner to help you along with your production, you can make it a reality.
So, any questions regarding the production of your tote bag design, shoulder design, feel free to drop us any message. Our expert will contact you. Our goal is being a one-stop solution provider to your design. We are here to help you from the beginning to the end.
PU Tote, Hobo, Shoulder Bag Manufacturer Wholesale Supplier - Frequently Asked Questions
1.How much does it cost for a tote bag manufacturer?
We charge straightforward fees for each of the stages of work we do. We do not charge a percentage on top of production costs – the production costs quoted will be exactly what the tote bag manufacturer, hobo bag manufacturers, and shoulder bag manufactures charges. Just call or email to discuss your project with our team – you will find our charging structure is very straight forward.
2.Where are the factories located for shoulder bag wholesale supplier?
We are not a bag manufacturer. We simply choose the best tote bag supplier, hobo bag supplier, and shoulder bag supplier to work on your product. We know of some good factories around the world.
3.How to contact you?
You can email enquiry@pollux-enterprise.com anytime, or phone 9am till 6pm HKT on +852 2637 0281. We are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. Please make an appointment with us prior to visit.
4.How much will your service cost?
First tell us what you need us to do and we can provide a written quote in advance. Tell us about your requirements from the tote bag supplier, hobo bag supplier and shoulder bag wholesale supplier. We will have a ready-made short document we can send you that will help you brief us.
5.What bags can I manufacture with your service?
We have a strong background in any fashion clothing before we ever designed bags. Key bags items like tote bags for wholesale purposes, shoulder bags for wholesale purposes. None the less our specialism is designing high quality fashion items – so if you want any fashion bag, we are right for you.
6.Do you design bags such as hobo bags, shoulder bags?
We are not a fashion design company. If you want great designs on tote bags, hobo bags, shoulder bags and other styling ideas it is better for you to get a handbag designer who can help you.
7.Can I get my sample fist before it starts mass manufacturing of shoulder bag wholesale suppliers?
This is one of the most asked questions. Depends on the complexity of your project. We are expecting the tote bag wholesale production quantity, hobo bag wholesale production quantity and the shoulder bag wholesale quantity will meet the requirement where the factory will also get the production order subject to quality and price. So, during the R&D process for your product, the manufacturer could provide a different form of sample for your reference.
8.I have an idea on a product, but I want to keep it a secret. How can I get the cost before working with you?
We suggest starting with a general phone call when we can discuss your objectives and you can share a bit more background to us. We can tell you how we will go about your tote bag, shoulder bag and hobo bag manufacturing project. A rough idea of costs – subject to your final briefing to help you do your budgeting.
If you would like get a 30-minute consultation, email enquiry@pollux-enterprise.com and we can make a telephone appointment and dedicate time to your enquiry
9.Who is Pollux Enterprise if you are not a manufacturer and not a designer?
Pollux Enterprise Ltd is a Hong Kong-based trading company. Established in 1999, we have lots of experience exporting fashion jewellery, hair ornaments, fashion accessories, artificial plants, and auto & outdoor gears to worldwide markets. Hence, we have strong connections with tote bag suppliers, shoulder bag wholesale suppliers and hobo bag manufacturers. Backed by the vast manufacturing base of China and the East-West sensibility uniquely found in Hong Kong, we pride ourselves in many areas as a tote bag supplier:
- meticulous collection of the trendy items
- extensive sourcing network, excelling in on-demand sourcing
- comprehensive product development capabilities
- excellent supply chain management
- highly flexible and adaptive workflow, thanks to the extensive use of database systems
With our customer-oriented business approach, we aim at simplifying and easing your sourcing operations and ultimately becoming your long-term sourcing partner.
10.What is the product lead time for tote bag, shoulder bag wholesale and manufacturers?
The product lead time for tote bags and shoulder bags depends on your project. On average, it takes 60-75 days upon order confirmation and receipt of deposits.